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\Huge\bfseries\sffamily 个人简历
姓名 & 我是谁 & 性别 & 男 & \multirow{4}{*}{\includegraphics[width=2.4cm]{example-image-10x16.pdf}} \\
年龄 & 12 & 民族 & 汉族 \\
现居 & 召唤师峡谷 & 政治面貌 & 共青团员 \\
报考专业 & 搬砖自动化 & 初试成绩 & 383 \\
手机号 & 123456 & 邮箱 & 123456@qq.com \\
本科学校 & 搬砖大学 & 专业 & 搬砖工程及其自动化 \\
\item 绩点:5.0
\item 排名:1/100
\item 数学课程成绩
\item 高等数学(一):100
\item 高等数学(二):100
\item 线性代数:100
\item 复变函数与积分变换:100
\item 概率统计:100
\item 部分主修课程成绩
\item 搬砖:100
\item 第十届搬砖决赛一等奖
\item 普通话水平测试“二级乙等”
\item 第十届搬砖一等奖
\item 2018年全校大学生搬砖一等奖
\item 2018-2019学年“三好学生”
\item 搬砖
\item Microsoft Word
\item Microsoft Excel
\item Microsoft Office PowerPoint
\item C 语言
\item 大二担任搬砖协会会长,增强了搬砖能力



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Dear professors, I feel so glad to meet all of you here.(尊敬的教授们,很高兴在这里见到大家。)

I am XXX, 21 years old, majoring in electrical engineering and automation in XXX.(我是XXX,21岁,来自XXX的电气工程及其自动化专业。)

Through studying and reading books, I found myself falling in love with this major. At the same time, I also realize that what I have learned is far from enough, so I choose to continue my study and get a master's degree.(通过学习和阅读书籍,我发现自己喜欢上了这个专业。与此同时,我也意识到我所学的还远远不够,所以我选择继续深造,获得硕士学位。)

During the four years in this university, I have been studying hard with a 3.27 GPA. In addition, I actively participated in discipline competitions, such as mathematics competition and mathematical modeling competition, and won the national second prize in mathematics competition.(在这所大学的四年里,我一直努力学习,绩点3.27。此外,我积极参加学科竞赛,如数学竞赛、数学建模竞赛等,获得了数学竞赛国家级二等奖。)

In my spare time, I like to study mathematics and LaTeX. Besides, running and volleyball are my hobbies, which build my body.(在业余时间,我喜欢学习数学和LaTeX。此外,跑步、排球都是我的爱好,锻炼了我的身体。)

Finally, I am analytical, responsible, reliable and efficient. As is known to all, Guangdong University of Technology is an excellent university. I would be very grateful if you could give me a chance to further my study.(最后,我善于分析,负责任,可靠,办事效率高。众所周知,广东工业大学是一所优秀的学校,如果您能给我深造的机会,我将不胜感激!)

That's all. Thanks for your listening!(这是所有。感谢您的关注!)

I am sorry, but would you like to repeat it? / I beg your pardon.

尊敬的各位教授,上午/下午好,我是XXX,来自XXX的电气工程及其自动化专业,我的绩点成绩为3.27,我的数学成绩优异、专业主修课程成绩良好,我获得的主要证书有:第十届……决赛一等奖、第十届、第十一届、第十二届……一等奖,其中第十届……一等奖是江西赛区第一名,还获得了 2019 年全国大学生数学建模竞赛二等奖。


Some traditional ideas die hard. Can you give any advice on getting rid of some ideas which are not scientific?(有些传统观念很难改变。你能给些建议来消除一些不科学的观念吗?)
Education makes a man wise. As long as more people receive higher education, unscientific ideas will not survive.(教育使人聪明。只要更多的人接受高等教育,不科学的思想就不会存在。)

What do you think is the happiest time for you, at high school or at university? Why?(你认为你最快乐的时光是什么,高中还是大学?为什么?)
University, because I can learn more interesting knowledge.(大学,因为可以学更多有趣的知识。)

What is the greatest challenge you've met since you entered university?(你上大学以来遇到的最大挑战是什么?)
Mathematical modeling competition, because those three days almost no sleep.(数学建模比赛,因为那三天几乎没有睡觉。)

As a university student, what contribution can you make to society?(作为一名大学生,你能对社会做出什么贡献?)
First of all, obeying the law is the most basic contribution. Secondly, college students study hard, which is in order to make more contributions.(首先,遵守法律是最基本的贡献。其次,大学生努力学习,这是为了做出更多贡献。)

What is the relationship between work and play?(工作和娱乐之间的关系是什么?)
Proper play makes work more efficient. Of course, finish your work before you play.(适当的娱乐使工作更有效率。当然,玩之前要完成工作。)

What are your plans for graduate school?(你读研究生的计划是什么?)
I will do some spade work in postgraduate study, in the ways of studying professional courses carefully, reading professional books systematically and consummating my knowledge structure unceasingly. At the same time, I'll keep on remembering English every day and reading English papers. Hope I could write English papers as soon as possible.(我会在研一打好基础,专业课的学习会认真踏实,会系统研读专业书籍,完善自己的知识结构。每天用英语单词软件背英语,多读英文期刊论文,争取早日能读写英文论文。)

Why do you apply for Guangdong University of Technology?/ Why did you choose our university?(你为什么要申请广东工业大学?/你为什么选择我们学校?)
As is well-known, Guangdong University of Technology is an outstanding school with perfect academic atmosphere and highly qualified faculty. So I would appreciate it if you could give me the chance for further study!(众所周知,广东工业大学是一所学术氛围良好、师资力量雄厚的优秀学校。所以希望贵校能给我一个深造的机会!)

Tell me about your undergraduate school.(给我讲讲你的本科学校。)
Jiangxi University of Science and Technology is an excellent school with perfect academic atmosphere and highly qualified faculty.(江西理工大学是一所学术氛围良好、师资力量雄厚的优秀学校。)

Introduce the cuisine of your city.(介绍你所在城市的美食。)
Hakka dishes: cabbage, small fried fish, san xian fen.(客家菜:包菜、小炒鱼、三鲜粉)

Which tutor do you know about the school?(你对学校了解多少?)
Guangdong University of Technology is an outstanding school with perfect academic atmosphere and highly qualified faculty.(广东工业大学是一所学术氛围良好、师资力量雄厚的优秀学校。)

Which teacher in our school do you know?(你认识我们学校的哪位老师?)
No, not a single one.(不,一个都不认识。)

What are your weaknesses?(你的缺点是什么?)
My weaknesses are lack of relevant professional practice and easy to be nervous.(我的缺点是缺少相关专业的实践和容易紧张。)

What did you do at Spring Festival?(你在春节做了什么?)
During the Spring Festival, I spent time with my family, watched the Spring Festival Gala and studied LaTeX.(我在春节期间陪伴家人、看春晚、学习LaTeX。)

What are your interests?(你的兴趣是什么?)
My interests are mathematics, LaTeX, running and volleyball.(我的兴趣是数学、LaTeX、跑步和排球。)

What would you like to be doing five years after graduation?(在毕业以后5年内你想做些什么?)
I will decide to get a PhD or a job in my first year of graduate school. If I choose to pursue a PhD, I would like to pursue a PhD in Guangdong University of Technology. If I choose to work, I will use my abilities to contribute to society.(我会在研究生一年级的时候确定读博或是工作。如果选择读博的话,我愿意在广东工业大学读博。如果选择工作的话,我会发挥自己的能力,为社会做贡献。)

When I decided to take the graduate school entrance exam, I was already determined to learn more in my field of expertise and to hone my skills. Now, I still do not change my mind. But it is also clear to me that I cannot achieve my vision with only what I have learned in my master's degree. I think I will continue my education within five years after graduation, and if I am successful, I will obtain my PhD and start a new research career.(当我决定考研的时候,我就已经下定决心要在自己的专业领域多学习,多磨练自己的能力。现在,我依然不改初衷。但我也很清楚,仅靠硕士研究生所学的知识是无法实现我的理想的。我想在毕业后的五年内,我会继续深造,如果成功的话,我将获得博士学位,开始新的研究生涯。)

What is your greatest strength?(你最突出的优点是什么?)
I am responsible and reliable. I will try my best to do whatever is assigned to me. My classmates all trust me.(我负责任、可靠,交给我的事情我会尽全力去做,同学们都很信任我。)

Who is your best friend?(你最好的朋友是?)
My best friend is my roommate, we often go to study together.(我最好的朋友是我的室友,我们经常一起去学习。)




12 点后开始复试我的上一位,我以为该休息了就去吃饭了,结果吃饭的时候轮到我了,没接通,自动跳到下一位。



  • 等待 15 分钟
  • 复试 15 分钟


  • 等待 10 分钟
  • 复试 10 分钟


  • 自我介绍
  • 英语提问,两个问题都没听懂在说什么
  • 专业课抽了第九题:「一个系统输出趋近无穷,是不是稳定系统?说明理由」,送分题,然后问了「判定稳态系统有哪些方法?」,我回答了劳斯判据和奈氏判据
  • 综合问了毕业设计的题目,我回答了还没开始做,问了毕业设计是干嘛的,仿真还是实物,用什么做仿真。还问了拆电机的电机是什么电机、电机的转子是什么样的。没回答出来,还说我「电拖89分,大三学的,这就忘了?我教的就是电机,我可以告诉你你说的是不对的。」






  • 你最好的朋友*2
  • 在线教育
  • 你研究生期间打算学什么
  • 你最喜欢什么课程
  • 你如果通过考试,有什么计划
  • 你面对困难怎么解决
  • 你喜欢阅读吗
  • 你收到的最喜欢礼物是什么?
  • 介绍四川家乡菜


  • 根轨迹
  • 滤波器
  • 自动控制系统分类
  • pid*2
  • 一阶系统的信号跟踪
  • 控制对象的特点
  • 闭环控制的好处
  • 一个系统输出趋近无穷,是不是稳定系统?说明理由
  • 判定稳态系统有哪些方法?*2
  • slam 算法
  • 白天负荷用电容,晚上用电抗,为什么
  • 星形启动和三角形启动有没有3次谐波
  • 一个二端口网络其参数矩阵四个参数不相等,是否可以用三个线性电阻来等效成 T 型等效电路?为什么
  • 两个理想电压源并联,其内部电流是否可以确定?
  • 无功功率为什么要就地补偿


  • 简历的项目
  • 毕业设计*5
  • 拆电机(简历上跟专业课有关的实践)
  • 线代怎么求特征值和特征向量
  • 课程设计
  • 自动化的前景
  • 人工智能的前景



文章作者: sikouhjw
文章链接: https://sikouhjw.github.io/2021/04/06/2021-04-06-kaoyan/
版权声明: 本博客所有文章除特别声明外,均采用 CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 许可协议。转载请注明来自 sikouhjw.github.io